Marc Le Bozec, who has been a major stakeholder in industrial and academic biotechnologies in France for more than 15 years joins CYTOO as Chief Executive Officer.
For several years, he worked as a consultant in organization (Bossard Consultants) and in strategy (Arthur D. Little). He founded BioProtein Technologies and managed it for 8 years. He then joined Alfact Innovation as Chief Operating Officer, and contributed to the launch of a clinical trial for liver diseases. He then joined Cellectis, and made it grow from a promising start-up to a European leader in many fields. He was Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the Cellectis bioresearch subsidiary.
Concurrently, Marc Le Bozec serves the community and is notably member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Inserm in France (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) since 2008, and is currently part of initiatives such as ATIP-Avenir. Marc Le Bozec graduated from HEC School of Management.