Micropattern Products

CYTOO has acquired a thorough know-how on designing and producing the most adequate micropatterns for various cell types (primary cells, stem cells, immortalized cell lines) and research areas, and for the development of more physiologically relevant cellular models and assays.

We manufacture micropattern products of 2 formats: CYTOOchips for basic research and live cell imaging (in combination with dedicated accessories), and 96-well CYTOOplates for High Content Screening (384 under development).

Each cell type, research area and read-out requires a specific combination of micropattern shape, size, density, and coating protein for optimal use. In this section you will find Standard chips and plates with pre-designed micropatterns that fit the most common uses (published and internal data). Starter products are designed to explore several micropattern shapes and sizes at once. The Arena CYTOOchips are discs with different sizes. The result of screening Starter or Arena products is double: to identify a working micropattern design that is present in the Standard products, or to select a micropattern parameter (size, density…) that can still be optimized when designing Custom products. Custom products allow you to access micropatterns to meet your specific requirements.

All of our products come with a choice of Fibronectin, fluorescently labelled Fibronectin, or ready-to-coat (Activated) micropatterns for optimal cell adhesion.

Based on our experience, we are available to help you choose the right micropatterns. Contact us now.

Specific products have also been designed for specific applications such as the Cell Motility chips and plates. Application-specific products are being developed, please make sure to check this section regularly.


Find in the section, the frequently asked questions about our Micropattern products.