CYTOOplates™ 96 RW CW-S-FN

The CYTOOplates are standard SBS microplate format with micropatterns transferred by photolithography on a high quality and low fluorescence borosilicate glass bottom.

The CYTOOplates are suitable for High Content Screening and are compatible with all common HCS imaging platforms and lab automation instruments.



Product specification

  • Reference:
    Small (700 µm2)
    Set of 5


Disconnecting the Golgi ribbon from the centrosome prevents directional cell migration and ciliogenesis
Hurtado L / Caballero C / Gavilan MP / Cardenas J / Bornens M / Rios RM
26 May 2014
pericentrosomal Golgi ribbon organization, AKAP450 N-terminal fragments, microtubule nucleation, centrosomal activity, Golgi apparatus positioning, directional cell migration, ciliogenesis, Y-shaped micropatterned coverslips, cell movement

J. Cell Biol. 2011;193(5):917–933.

Spatial organization of the extracellular matrix regulates cell-cell junction positioning
Tseng Q / Duchemin-Pelletier E / Deshiere A
24 May 2014
intercellular junctions, cell line, extracellular matrix

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2012;109(5):1506–1511.

A contractile and counterbalancing adhesion system controls the 3D shape of crawling cells
Burnette DT / Shao L / Ott C / Pasapera AM / Fischer RS / Baird MA / Der Loughian C / Delanoe-Ayari H / Paszek MJ / Davidson MW / Betzig E / Lippincott-Schwartz J
26 May 2014
Live-cell microscopy, Contractility, 3D structures

J Cell Biol. 2014 Apr 14;205(1):83-96. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201311104. Epub 2014 Apr 7.

A Mechanical Checkpoint Controls Multicellular Growth through YAP/TAZ Regulation by Actin-Processing Factors
Aragona M / Panciera T / Manfrin A
26 May 2014
YAP/TAZ, oncology, cell shape, cell proliferation

Cell. 2013; Aug 15 [epub ahead of print].

A Novel Organelle Map Framework for High-Content Cell Morphology Analysis in High Throughput
Schauer K / Grossier J-P / Duong T
26 May 2014
organelle map, high content screening, high throughput screening

J Biomol Screen. 2013; Aug 16 [epub ahead of print].

A review of microfabrication and hydrogel engineering for micro-organs on chips
Verhulsel M / Vignes M / Descroix S / Malaquin L / Vignjevic DM / Viovy J-L
26 May 2014
tissue engineering, 3D cell culture

Biomaterials. 2013; Dec 04 [epub ahead of print].

Anisotropy of cell adhesive microenvironment governs cell internal organization and orientation of polarity
Théry M / Racine V / Piel M
26 May 2014
Cell polarity, extracellular matrix, morphogenesis, cell normalization, organelle positioning

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2006;103(52):19771–19776.

Arl8 and SKIP act together to link lysosomes to kinesin-1
Rosa-Ferreira C / Munro S
26 May 2014
lysosomes, kinesin

Dev. Cell. 2011;21(6):1171–1178.

Assessing Kinetics from Fixed Cells Reveals Activation of the Mitotic Entry Network at the S/G2 Transition
Karen Akopyan / Helena Silva Cascales / Elvira Hukasova / Adrian T. Saurin / Erik Müllers / Himjyot Jaiswal / Danielle A.A. Hollman / Geert J.P.L. Kops / René H. Medema / Arne Lindqvist
26 May 2014
cell cycle, cell division, mitosis

Molecular Cell - 27 February 2014

Carminomycin I is an apoptosis inducer that targets the Golgi complex in clear cell renal carcinoma cells
Woldemichael GM / Turbyville TJ / Linehan WM / McMahon JB
26 May 2014
high-throughput screening assays, clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC), Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene, Golgi sequestration, P-gp-mediated localization of anticancer compounds, disk and L shaped fibronectin micropattern

 Cancer Res. 2011;71(1):134–142.

CD81 regulates cell migration through its association with Rac GTPase
Tejera E / Rocha-Perugini V / López-Martín S
26 May 2014
cell migration, tetraspanin, Rho GTPases; focal adhesions

Mol. Biol. Cell. 2012; Dec 05 [epub ahead of print].

Cell confinement controls centrosome positioning and lumen initiation during epithelial morphogenesis
Rodrigues-Fraticelli AE / Auzan M / Alonso MA / Bornens M / Martin-Belmonte F
26 May 2014
morphogenesis, cell normalization

J Cell Biol. 2012;198(6):1011-1023.

Cell distribution of stress fibres in response to the geometry of the adhesive environment
Théry M / Pépin A / Dressaire E / Chen Y / Bornens M
26 May 2014
pattern geometry, apices of cell shape, stress fibres, focal adhesions, tractional forces, cell shape, cell surface, cell adhesion, cell line

Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton. 2006;63(6):341–355

Cell shape and contractility regulate ciliogenesis in cell cycle-arrested cells
Pitaval A / Tseng Q / Bornens M / Théry M
26 May 2014
Primary cilium, cilia, cell shape, Cell polarity

J. Cell Biol. 2010;191(2):303–312.

Cells in tight spaces: the role of cell shape in cell function
Shah JV
26 May 2014
cell shape, cell function, cell physiological phenomena, ciliogenesis

J. Cell Biol. 2010;191(2):233–236.

Chapter 7 - Methods for Analysis of Apical Lumen Trafficking Using Micropatterned 3D Systems
Rodríguez-Fraticelli AE / Martin-Belmonte F
26 May 2014
3D cell culture, morphogenesis

Methods in Cell Biology.Vol Volume 118. Methods for Analysis of Golgi Complex Function. Academic Press; 2013:105–123.

Chapter 7 - Studying Mitochondria and Microtubule Localization and Dynamics in Standardized Cell Shapes
Pelikan A / Sillibourne J / Miserey-Lenkei S / Carlier-Grynkorn F / Goud B / Tran PT
26 May 2014
mitochondria, microtubules, cell shape

Methods in Cell Biology. Vol 115. Academic Press; 2013:97–108.

Chromosome- and spindle-pole-derived signals generate an intrinsic code for spindle position and orientation
Kiyomitsu T / Cheeseman IM
26 May 2014
spindle orientation on L-patterned fibronectin-coated micropatterns, RNAi experiments on patterned coverslips, dynein-dynactin localization, Polo-like kinase 1, NuMA, LGN, RanGTP

Nat. Cell Biol. 2012;14(3):311–317.

Cortical Dynein and Asymmetric Membrane Elongation Coordinately Position the Spindle in Anaphase
Kiyomitsu T / Cheeseman IM
26 May 2014
cell division, dynein, spindle orientation

Cell. 2013;154(2):391–402.

Cortical dynein is critical for proper spindle positioning in human cells
Kotak S / Busso C / Gönczy P
26 May 2014
golgi, spindle positioning, dynein

J Cell Biol. 2012;199(1):97.

Directional Persistence of Migrating Cells Requires Kif1C-Mediated Stabilization of Trailing Adhesions
Theisen U / Straube E / Straube A
26 May 2014
cell migration, Kif1C, transport kinesin, directional migration

Dev Cell. 2012;23(6):1153–1166.

Experimental and theoretical study of mitotic spindle orientation
Théry M / Jiménez-Dalmaroni A / Racine V / Bornens M / Jülicher F
26 May 2014
mitotic spindle orientation, cell microenvironment geometry, cortical cues, spindle pole, symmetric/ asymmetric orientation

Nature. 2007;447(7143):493–496.

Filamin A-Hinge region 1-EGFP : a novel tool for tracking the cellular function of filaminA in real-time
Planagumà J / Minsaas L / Pons M / Myhren L / Garrido G / Aragay AM
26 May 2014
cellular function, Filamin A, cell normalization

Plos One. 2012;7(8):e40864.

Filamin A-hinge region 1-EGFP: a novel tool for tracking the cellular functions of Filamin A in real-time
Planagumà J / Minsaas L / Pons M / Myhren L / Garrido G / Aragay AM
26 May 2014
Filamin A, cell surface, cell physiological phenomena

PLoS ONE. 2012;7(8):e40864.

Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Regulate Biased DNA Segregation in Response to Cell Adhesion Asymmetry
Freida D / Lecourt S / Cras A
26 May 2014
stems cells, cell division, cell adhesion

Cell Rep. 2013;Oct 17 [epub ahead of print].

Improved visualization and quantitative analysis of drug effects using micropatterned cells
Degot S / Auzan M / Chapuis V
26 May 2014
Reference Cell, drug profiling, quantitative cell analysis, cell adhesion, cytoskeleton, drug evaluation

J Vis Exp. 2010;(46):pii: 2514.

Intercellular and extracellular mechanotransduction in cardiac myocytes
Kresh JY / Chopra A
26 May 2014
adult cardiomyocytes, extracellular matrix, mechanical determinants, cytoskeletal organization, shape remodelling, sarcomere/myofibrillar architectural topography, cell shape-dependent functions, myopathies, myocardial infarctus, heart failure, reverse remodeling, disk-, H-, Y-, crossbow-shaped micropatterns, sarcomeric alpha-actinin.

Pflugers Arch. 2011;462(1):75–87.

Intracellular Electric Field and pH Optimize Protein Localization and Movement
Cunningham J / Estrella V / Lloyd M / Gillies R / Frieden BR / Gatenby R
26 May 2014
EGFR/ MAPK pathway, intracellular electric field

 PLoS ONE. 2012;7(5):e36894.

Lack of a Functional VHL Gene Product Sensitizes Renal Cell Carcinoma Cells to the Apoptotic Effects of the Protein Synthesis Inhibitor Verrucarin A
Woldemichael GM / Turbyville TJ / Vasselli JR / Linehan WM / McMahon JB
26 May 2014
cell proliferation, apoptosis, cytotoxic stress

Neoplasia. 2012;14(8):771–777.

LNK (SH2B3) is a key regulator of integrin signaling in endothelial cells and targets α-parvin to control cell adhesion and migration
Devallière J / Chatelais M / Fitau J
26 May 2014
cell migration, cell adhesion, focal adhesions

FASEB J. 2012;26(6):2592–2606.

Long-Lasting Effect of Perinatal Exposure to L-tryptophan on Circadian Clock of Primary Cell Lines Established from Male Offspring Born from Mothers Fed on Dietary Protein Restriction
Nascimento E / Guzman-Quevedo O / Delacourt N
26 May 2014
circadian clock, undernutrition, primary cell line, L-tryptophan

PLoS ONE. 2013;8(2):e56231.

MAP4 and CLASP1 operate as a safety mechanism to maintain a stable spindle position in mitosis
Samora CP / Mogessie B / Conway L / Ross JL / Straube A / McAinsh AD
26 May 2014
mitotic spindle orientation, H pattern, cell division, cell line, mitosis, mitotic spindle apparatus, microtubules

Nat. Cell Biol. 2011;13(9):1040–1050.

Mechanical control of epithelial lumen formation
Rodríguez-Fraticelli AE / Martin-Belmonte F
26 May 2014
epithelial cells, lumen, ciliogenesis, centrosome, morphogenesis

Small GTPases. 2013;4(2).

Mechanism of the Ca2+-Dependent Interaction between S100A4 and Tail Fragments of Nonmuscle Myosin Heavy Chain IIA.
Badyal SK / Basran J / Bhanji N
26 May 2014
epidermoid carcinoma A431/SIP1 cells constitutively expressing the GFP-tagged heavy chain of non-muscle myosin IIA, medium Y-shaped fibronectin micropattern

 J Mol Biol. 2011;405(4-3):1004–1026.

Mechanisms of spindle positioning: cortical force generators in the limelight
Kotak S / Gönczy P
26 May 2014
cell division, spindle, microtubules

Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2013;Aug 16 [epub ahead of print].

Mechanisms to suppress multipolar divisions in cancer cells with extra centrosomes
Kwon M / Godinho SA / Chandhok NS
24 May 2014
tumor cells, Micropatterns, H shape, Y shape, cell division, neoplasms, cell adhesion, cell line, cell shape, Cell polarity

 Genes Dev. 2008;22(16):2189–2203.

Microfluidic cell trap array for controlled positioning of single cells on adhesive micropatterns
Lin L / Chu Y-S / Thiery JP / Lim CT / Rodriguez I
26 May 2014
cell shape, Cell polarity, cell function, cell migration, single cells

Lab Chip. 2013;13(4):714–721.

Micropatterned substrates coated with neuronal adhesion molecules for high-content study of synapse formation
Czöndör K / Garcia M / Argento A
26 May 2014
neuroscience, neuron cell, cell adhesion, morphogenesis

Nat Commun. 2013;4(2252).

Micropatterning as a tool to decipher cell morphogenesis and functions
Théry M.
24 May 2014
cell microenvironment, cell architecture, engineered micropatterns, cell morphogenetic processes, micropattern shape, actin, microtubule, cell differentiation, Cell polarity, cell shape, cell proliferation

J. Cell. Sci. 2010;123(24):4201–4213.

Morphological restriction of human coronary artery endothelial cells substantially impacts global gene expression patterns
Stiles JM / Pham R / Rowntree RK
26 May 2014
endothelial cells, cell morphology, cytoskeleton, genomics

FEBS J. 2013; June 27 [epub ahead of print].

Mycolactone activation of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome proteins underpins Buruli ulcer formation
Guenin-Macé L / Veyron-Churlet R / Thoulouze M-I
26 May 2014
immunology, Buruli, mycolactone

J Clin Invest. 2013; Mar 15 [epub ahead of print].

Patterning Pluripotent Stem Cells at a Single Cell Level
Pryzhkova MV / Harris GM / Ma S / Jabbarzadeh E
26 May 2014
stem cells, vitronectin, extracellular matrix

J Biomater Tissue Eng. 2013;3(4):461–471

Practical course on “Imaging infection: from single molecules to animals.”
Guenot M / Racz P
26 May 2014
Fluorescence microscopy, bioluminescent imaging, High Throughput microscopy, super-resolution microscopy : TIRF, PALM/STORM, in vivo imaging, PETSCAN, CT-SCAN, FRET, live cell imaging, image analysis, photobleaching, phototoxicity

Microbes Infect. 2012; Nov 02 [epub ahead of print].

Probabilistic density maps to study global endomembrane organization
Schauer K / Duong T / Bleakley K / Bardin S / Bornens M / Goud B.
24 May 2014
endomembranes, small G proteins, cell line, intracellular membranes

Nat. Methods. 2010;7(7):560–566.

Rab GTPase Mediated Procollagen Trafficking in Ascorbic Acid Stimulated Osteoblasts
Nabavi N / Pustylnik S / Harrison RE
26 May 2014
osteoblasts, protein trafficking

PLoS ONE. 2012;7(9):e46265.

Reconstitution of in vivo macrophage-tumor cell pairing and streaming motility on one-dimensional micro-patterned substrates
Sharma V / Beaty B / Patsialou A
26 May 2014
cell migration, oncology

IntraVital. 2012;1(1):77-85.

Reprogramming cell shape with laser nano-patterning.
Vignaud T / Galland R / Tseng Q / Blanchoin L / Colombelli J / Théry M.
24 May 2014
cell shape, actin network reprogramming, dynamic cellular responses, laser nano-patterning, Cell polarity

J. Cell. Sci. 2012;125(9):2134–2140.

Role of YAP/TAZ in mechanotransduction
Dupont S / Morsut L / Aragona M
24 May 2014
mechanotransduction, mesenchymal stem cells, cell differentiation, cell line, cell shape, cytoskeleton

Nature. 2011;474(7350):179–183.

Spindle positioning in human cells relies on proper centriole formation and on the microcephaly proteins CPAP and STIL
Kitagawa D / Kohlmaier G / Keller D
22 May 2014
microcephaly, mitotic spindle orientation

J. Cell. Sci. 2011;124(22):3884–3893.

Standardized mitochondrial analysis gives new insights into mitochondrial dynamics and OPA1 function. Int
Chevrollier A / Cassereau J / Ferré M
22 May 2014
mitochondrial dynamics, mitochondrial disorder diagnostics, OPA1, neurodegenerative diseases, mitochondria

J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 2012;44(6):980–988.

The Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) Domain Protein Endophilin B2 Interacts with Plectin and Controls Perinuclear Cytoskeletal Architecture
Vannier C / Pesty A / San-Roman MJ / Schmidt AA
26 May 2014
cytoskeleton, nucleus positioning

J Biol Chem. 2013;288(38):27619–27637.

The extracellular matrix guides the orientation of the cell division axis.
Théry M / Racine V / Pépin A
22 May 2014
cell fate, cell division, cell shape, cell membrane, Cell polarity, actin dynamics, average distribution of actin-binding proteins

Nat. Cell Biol. 2005;7(10):947–953.

The interaction between nesprins and sun proteins at the nuclear envelope is critical for force transmission between the nucleus and cytoskeleton.
Lombardi ML / Jaalouk DE / Shanahan CM / Burke B / Roux KJ / Lammerding J.
22 May 2014
cell line, cytoskeleton, mechanotransduction, nuclear envelope, nucleo-cytoskeletal coupling, force transmission, LINC (Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton) complex, intracellular forces, nuclear positioning, cell polarization, muscular dystrophies, cardiomyopathies, crossbow-shaped micropatterns

J. Biol. Chem. 2011;286(30):26743–26753.

The role of RPGR in cilia formation and actin stability
Gakovic M / Shu X / Kasioulis I / Carpanini S / Moraga I / Wright AF
22 May 2014
cilia, ciliogenesis, retinal dystrophy, actins, cytoskeleton, cell cycle, cell division, cell line, cell movement, cell shape, epithelial cells, eye proteins, focal adhesions, organogenesis

Hum. Mol. Genet. 2011;20(24):4840–4850

β1- and αv-class integrins cooperate to regulate myosin II during rigidity sensing of fibronectin-based microenvironments
Schiller HB / Hermann M-R / Polleux J
26 May 2014
integrins, cell adhesion, cell contractility, cell motility, traction force

Nat Cell Biol. 2013; May 26 [epub ahead of print] .

Shipment and information

The microplates are supplied with clear polystyrene lids and are packaged individually under inert gas.

The average turnaround time for production is 4-5 weeks.

The CYTOOplates should be stored at 4°C and used before the expiry date indicated on the packaging (6 months from the production date).

Stability is guaranteed for at least 3 months from date of shipment when stored at 4°C in its original packaging.