
A Novel Organelle Map Framework for High-Content Cell Morphology Analysis in High Throughput
Schauer K / Grossier J-P / Duong T
26 May 2014
organelle map, high content screening, high throughput screening

J Biomol Screen. 2013; Aug 16 [epub ahead of print].

A Mechanical Checkpoint Controls Multicellular Growth through YAP/TAZ Regulation by Actin-Processing Factors
Aragona M / Panciera T / Manfrin A
26 May 2014
YAP/TAZ, oncology, cell shape, cell proliferation

Cell. 2013; Aug 15 [epub ahead of print].

Micropatterned substrates coated with neuronal adhesion molecules for high-content study of synapse formation
Czöndör K / Garcia M / Argento A
26 May 2014
neuroscience, neuron cell, cell adhesion, morphogenesis

Nat Commun. 2013;4(2252).

Cortical Dynein and Asymmetric Membrane Elongation Coordinately Position the Spindle in Anaphase
Kiyomitsu T / Cheeseman IM
26 May 2014
cell division, dynein, spindle orientation

Cell. 2013;154(2):391–402.

Morphological restriction of human coronary artery endothelial cells substantially impacts global gene expression patterns
Stiles JM / Pham R / Rowntree RK
26 May 2014
endothelial cells, cell morphology, cytoskeleton, genomics

FEBS J. 2013; June 27 [epub ahead of print].

β1- and αv-class integrins cooperate to regulate myosin II during rigidity sensing of fibronectin-based microenvironments
Schiller HB / Hermann M-R / Polleux J
26 May 2014
integrins, cell adhesion, cell contractility, cell motility, traction force

Nat Cell Biol. 2013; May 26 [epub ahead of print] .

Mechanical control of epithelial lumen formation
Rodríguez-Fraticelli AE / Martin-Belmonte F
26 May 2014
epithelial cells, lumen, ciliogenesis, centrosome, morphogenesis

Small GTPases. 2013;4(2).

Mycolactone activation of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome proteins underpins Buruli ulcer formation
Guenin-Macé L / Veyron-Churlet R / Thoulouze M-I
26 May 2014
immunology, Buruli, mycolactone

J Clin Invest. 2013; Mar 15 [epub ahead of print].

Long-Lasting Effect of Perinatal Exposure to L-tryptophan on Circadian Clock of Primary Cell Lines Established from Male Offspring Born from Mothers Fed on Dietary Protein Restriction
Nascimento E / Guzman-Quevedo O / Delacourt N
26 May 2014
circadian clock, undernutrition, primary cell line, L-tryptophan

PLoS ONE. 2013;8(2):e56231.

Microfluidic cell trap array for controlled positioning of single cells on adhesive micropatterns
Lin L / Chu Y-S / Thiery JP / Lim CT / Rodriguez I
26 May 2014
cell shape, Cell polarity, cell function, cell migration, single cells

Lab Chip. 2013;13(4):714–721.
